Franchise Opportunities
Talk to us
about becoming a Footloose Franchisee and being a part of this exciting brand in
the footwear and fashion retail trade.
Range Building – A professional range building team whose
skills and contacts will ensure your store’s seasonal ranges are ideally suited
to your target market.
Product and Buying Advantages – Access to preferred supplier
relationships, terms and discount structures, which ensure increased sales,
increased market share and most importantly healthy margins for individual
franchisee training systems – Including merchandising, footloose customer sales
and service standards, and staff retail and selling skills.
Shop Design – "Award winning” footloose stores have been
designed to create a distinctive store image reflecting the latest in retail
design, maximizing selling space.
and new sites available – A state-of-the-art point-of-sale and administration
system selected for use in the footloose fashion environment. The support of a
successful and extensive franchisee management team.
For more
information, download our Franchise PDF here.
If you are interested in being part of the Footloose Shoes Franchise or have any questions, contact Philip or Robyn using the details below.
Philip Pryde
Mobile: 021 934 080
Robyn Marshall
Mobile: 021 337 360